Friday, April 25, 2008

Guess what is on Paul and I Anniversary?? Siklet=Good Friday!! April 25

April 25, 2008 (Miaziya 17, 2000 Eth. C) is Good Friday of Ethiopia and April 27, 2008 (Miaziya 19, 2000 Eth.C) is Easter of Ethiopia. The CHI Ethiopia office is closed on 4/25.

Wish you happy Fasika = Ethiopian Easter on behalf of all Orthodox Christians of Ethiopia!!!

Fasika is the greatest festival for the devoted followers of Orthodox Church of Ethiopia. People fasts for 56 days and do not eat meat or any animal product like egg, butter, milk….They pray and try to be as positive as possible to others and themselves. No cursing, no gossiping!! Spouses do not share same bed. Fasika has a unique place for Orthodox Church followers of Ethiopia. It is the day we remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the 56 days of fasting is a symbolic representation of sharing His sacrifice for all human beings. People celebrate Fasika with intense joys and food, drink and exchange gifts. Keeping the tradition alive, Children’s Hope International - Ethiopia will distribute holiday gifts to 150 orphans of its own.

April 25, 2008 (April 17, 2000 Ethiopian Calendar) = Good Friday = Siklet
April 27, 2008 (April 19, 2000) = Easter = Fasika

I invite you this Church Song. Enjoy!

Please click here to listen to the Fasika Song.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Thank you Braymer Baptist Church

Thank you,

Pennington's Vanderlinden's, Macers, Turners, and Hughes for the great breakfast you planned for us!! And thank you to all who came and helped and all the prayers and offering!!
God has truly blessed us with a wonderful church family!!

Can't wait for the mission trip this summer!! YEAH! God is working we must listen and obey!!

Demetria and Paul

Monday, April 7, 2008

Our Dossier has been sent to Ethiopia today!!

April 07, 2008

I was just notified that our dossier was just sent to Ethiopia!!

We are officially on the waiting list!! Hope the wait will be sooner then longer!!

All in God's the mean time we have lots to do!!