Tuesday, September 30, 2008

News...Ethiopian Courts Open a Week Early!!

The Ethiopian Courts opened yesterday September 29th .
A whole week early!!
That is really good news...now for some referrals ~ please~

Monday, September 29, 2008

Selam!! No referrals yet!!

Well I thought I would tell you the words I am learning in Amharic:

The one's I know so far (don't laugh)

Poo-Poo= Kah-kah

Pee-Pee= Shint

Goodbye= Chow

Hello= Selam

Dog= Woosha

Okay I promise I will learn more...I have a horrible time memorizing!! These word for some reason just stuck!! LOL

Next week will be six months waiting on the referral!! I talked with Toni and she said we are 3rd on our age group list...that may be promising news!!

I went to Extrodinary Woman meeting this last weekend (thank you Connie P.) Martha Wells spoke and she did an excellent job!! In the Process to Progress leads to Sucess (Martha Wells)
It was a great uplifting time and I really enjoyed it!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Melkam Adis Amet (Happy New Year Ethiopia)

MELKAM ADIS AMET HAPPY NEW YEAR ETHIOPIA September 11th Ethiopia welcomes in the New Year!!!!! The year 2001!!!!Ethiopian New Year (Enkutatash)Ethiopia still retains the Julian calendar, in which the year is divided into 12 months of 30 days each and a 13th month of 5 days and 6 days in leap year. The Ethiopian calendar is 8 years behind the Gregoriancalendar from January to September and 7 years behind between September11 and January 8.Enkutatash means the "gift of jewels". When the famous Queen of Sheba returned from her expensive jaunt to visit King Solomon in Jerusalem,her chiefs welcomed her bolts by replenishing her treasury with inku or jewels. The spring festival has been celebrated since this early time sand as the rains come to their abrupt end, dancing and singing can beheard at every village in the green countryside. Meskerem is seen as a month of transition from the old year to the new. But Enkutatash is not exclusively a religious holiday. Today'sEnkutatash is also the season for exchanging formal new year greetings and cards among the urban sophisticated - in lieu or the traditional bouquet of flowers. It is a time to express hopes and dreams for the future.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Here is my Nephew...He is the cutest!!

My Nephew Wesley, he is sooo cute.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Instant Gratification

In this world there is Instant Gratification...
Instant pudding
Instant drive through's
Instant Hot cocoa
Instant Coffee
Kid's want things instantly all the time!!
This is what society teaches, I was reading the other day about delaying instant gratification!!
This adoption is a great example...nothing good and worth having is INSTANT!!
So I took the time to tell the girls (who are getting impatient because it has been 5 months now)that Aleena will be our very special little girl and that she will be really worth waiting for!! The girls are starting to understand that; All Good things come
to those who WAIT!!
I want them to use this lesson for when they hit there teen years...love, money, drugs and many other things are not a QUICK FIX!!
Wait on the Lord, wait on his will, pray for grace!!