Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Merry Christmas

I am wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!! Always remember who birthday it really is!! Happy Birthday Jesus!!

So far we are having a great morning...Abby and Anna recieved nice gifts this year my dad and Kate got them their first Nintindo DS thing?? The girls have to share...Anna is kicking butt on the Narnia game...WOW they sure catch on quick!!
Either she's really good at it or it's beginners luck...but it is funny to watch!! She is only 6 and has hardly played one of these things. Aleena even recieved two gifts...we sure wish she was here with us...but she is in our thoughts and our hearts and we pray that she will be here next year!!

Bye for now...Merry Christmas


Missy said...

Glad to hear you had a Merry Christmas! Aleena will be the perfect age to enjoy Christmas next year!!

Anonymous said...

merry christmas!!